The previous Marvel entry in the LEGO series is still the best LEGO game produced, with even newer titles like LEGO Jurassic World and LEGO Batman 3 yet to reach the standards it set. With that in mind, this new title has a lot to live up to. Cubed3 sat down for a chat with game director Arthur Parsons to find out all we could about the game and what comes next.

Cubed3's Drew Hurley: Nice to see you again! So we are on week of release, you've got to be excited?
Arthur Parsons, Game Director at TT Games: Massively, in a few hours the US will be able to play it, as will those on STEAM as they're doing a global release.
Cubed3: The game is looking great - I can't get over the size of that roster!
Arthur: And there's more to come! We're working on the Season Pass stuff right now, which will take the roster over 250. I said I wanted over a hundred originally...
Cubed3: Well that is over a hundred! I see some characters there that were rumoured when we last spoke and now have made it in, and some I can't even recognise…and I'm a massive Marvel fan.
Arthur: Yeah we get so many requests on Twitter and we want our fans to be happy, because that's what it's all about ya know?

Cubed3: I see some Guardians of the Galaxy characters there - any Guardians themselves?
Arthur: No sadly not. We have some characters from Guardians like The Collector and Nebula, and even Mantis in her Guardian's uniform. The focus is on the Avengers here, though. The Collector is in because he's in that post credit scene from Thor: The Dark World and in this game he is how you unlock red Bricks. You go to a room on the Helicarrier and there is a portal there to Knowhere.
Cubed3: So…no Deadpool!?
Arthur: No, not this time. This time we really wanted to focus on Avengers and at the time of development he wasn't really closely linked to the Avengers and was more of an X-Men character.
Cubed3: But he's an Avenger now. He's funding them, in fact.
Arthur: I know, but it's just something that came too late to really be included.

Cubed3: If the roster is this big already, what else can you add with DLC?
Arthur: Well, at the moment there is an Ant-Man movie pack, which is a PlayStation exclusive, as is a Civil War character pack. Then there are Thunderbolts and character packs, based on some of the new LEGO sets, including Space and Scuba versions of Captain America, Iron Man, and Iron Skull. Those are just character packs, though. We are working on level packs right now, which will make up the Season Pass. There are five in total: we have the Classic Masters of Evil, Zemo and his crew. We have a Captain Marvel pack, as in Carol Danvers Marvel - a classic Black Panther pack.

Cubed3: Oh! Set in Wakanda? I got a "No comment" about Wakanda at New York Comic Con.
Arthur: It is indeed set in Wakanda, and it's a real classic Black Panther story. I mean, if you're going to do classic Black Panther, it has to be in Wakanda. I can't say much but there are some big characters in this level pack. Then we have my personal favourite, the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D pack - I'm a big fan of the show. We even had Clark Gregg, Agent Coulson, come and voice a bunch of lines. We have been blown away by the vocal talent. Along with Clark, we had Hayley Atwell come down and record some lines for Peggy, and recently for the DLC I got to send a dream list of people to provide voices… and they said yes! We haven't announced them yet, so I can't say who they are, but I was so happy. We even had Mark Hamill come down recently to record for Zola.
Then, finally, we have a Doctor Strange level pack. This is based on the Xomica and covers everything. From classic Doctor Strange with some major characters from that series, all the way up to the new Doctor Strange where he's losing his powers and wielding that massive axe.

Cubed3: When are we going to get these and how much will they be?
Arthur: The Season Pass is £8.
Cubed3: £8? Total?
Arthur: Yeah, it's a tonne of content and really cheap. Each pack will be released over time from about March/April on - that is the plan. But that could change, as we are working on it right now.
Cubed3: With the new game, pre-orders again get the chance at an exclusive mini-fig...
Arthur: Silver Centurion.

Cubed3: Yeah! I was hoping for Jane Foster Thor, though, to be honest…
Arthur: Well, you see with LEGO and the crazy production schedule, we were given a choice of a few characters… but this was so long ago that Jane Foster Thor didn't even exist, so we got the list and saw Silver Centurion Iron Man and it was so cool we had to go for that.
Cubed3: One last question - the LEGO games are famous for their Easter Eggs. What's one of your favourites from this game?
Arthur: Well, spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Age of Ultron, but at the end of it we all know Hulk gets into a Quinjet and flies off into space. Well, in the game he pulls out a cassette tape and it says "Lonely Man." Then he pulls out a teddy and flies off with the classic theme playing.
Or… just the fact that we managed to get Lou Ferigno in, and his Hulk is a little different. He comes out and spray paints himself green to transform but stays mini-fig size. There are just so many and they're all so great. I can't wait for fans go and start discovering them all and my Twitter to just blow up later on tonight!