Could Paper Mario be Shuffling onto Wii U?

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.01.2016 6

Could Paper Mario be Shuffling onto Wii U? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Are you a fan of the Paper Mario series? A new rumour suggests a new game is incoming.

Paper Mario has established itself as one of Nintendo's biggest franchises over the years, a now standalone chapter in the plumber's adventures and one that fans expect to see on each new Nintendo console. A Wii U tale could be underway with rumours spreading that Nintendo will be revealing all next week.

Emily Rogers, who has broken news early in the past, suggests that "a New Paper Mario will be announced this year for Wii U," as highlighted by five of her sources. 

Do you think Nintendo's rumoured new title is a new Paper Mario?

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Personally, I'd love another one that plays like Super Paper Mario, but it's unlikely to happen after the negative reaction from a lot of people.

Super Paper Mario will forever be my favourite, unless they make another without turn-based battles.

Hopefully true. Paper Mario 2 is still one of the best games out there. So full of fun and comedy.

Yeah, Thousand Year door nailed it for me.

Thinking about it though, what Id really like to see is a M&L game on the WiiU. There might be a little more scope for inventiveness with the control pad on that series. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Who exactly are these five different sources and how are they all informed about a secret unannounced Nintendo project?

ps. I loved Super Paper Mario too!

Sonic_13 said:
Who exactly are these five different sources and how are they all informed about a secret unannounced Nintendo project?

ps. I loved Super Paper Mario too!

Lol, no idea. Personally, I never really trust anything Emily Rogers says. Hopefully it's true though.

Cool to see another Super Paper Mario fan! Smilie

( Edited 26.01.2016 10:46 by Marzy )

Sonic_13 said:
Who exactly are these five different sources and how are they all informed about a secret unannounced Nintendo project?

They have five separate uncles working at Nintendo, duh Smilie <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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