New Nintendo 3DS Fire Emblem Edition for US

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.01.2016 2

New Nintendo 3DS Fire Emblem Edition for US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Celebrate your love for Fire Emblem with a brand new special edition New Nintendo 3DS XL.

Launching on 19th February across North America, the bundle includes a New Nintendo 3DS XL console that bosts a striking Fire Emblem print across the front and back. The games -  Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright and Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest - aren't included, though, and must be bought separately. 

Both follow a similar setup, but tell a story from a very different perspective - from a battle against a corrupted king to taking on a misguided kingdom from inside out. Those of you who'd like to wrap up the complete tale can buy the other version of the game for $19.99 after completing Chapter 6.


A third chapter - Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation - being introduced as DLC on 10th March for those who wouldn't have chosen either of the "Conquest" or "Birthright" storylines. 

If you're not keen on mere slices and want the whole experience, there'll be a special edition that includes all three games on a single game card, an artbook and a 3DS XL pouch for $79.99.

It doesn't end there, ith downloadable content coming in on a regular basis after launch.

Image for New Nintendo 3DS Fire Emblem Edition for US

Which side would you take with Fire Emblem Fates?

Box art for Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest

Intelligent Systems







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I wil get Birthright. Because I want to marry Syalla :'3

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Yeah...if you can find the full thing anywhere

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