What's in Store for Pokémon's 20th Anniversary

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.01.2016 1


Here's some of what's in store for the 20th Anniversary of Pokémon! 

It's been nearly two decades since a chap called Red decided to leave freshly cooked meals at home and travel the world to ensnare wild monsters in balls to become the Pokémon Master. Since a pair of games on Game Boy, the series has exploded in popularity - from films to plushies, spin-off games to disturbing tattoos.

Nintendo will be celebrating all this year with a range of games, new Pokémon 3DS bundles, re-releases of classic Pokémon films, trading cards and action figures. There's even a nifty Pikachu logo and the launch of Pokkén Tournament to look forward to.


For more, check out the Pokémon 20th anniversary website.

When did you get into Pokémon?

Box art for Pokémon Blue Version

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Gen 1 for me, almost as soon as it launched. The hype was incredible, but Pokemon not only lived up to, but exceeded, the incredibly high bar we set for it as children, and that's extraordinarily rare. We battled and traded every morning before school (unless "that one kid with the link cable" was sick that day), traded and battled the cards, and watched the show. We Missingno'd ourselves to heaven and back, glitching out Level 255 Charizards and Mewtwos.

The popularity, for us at least, took a nosedive with Gen2. The mons just weren't as memorable (something that's been said of every generation since, so it appears to literally be a "generation" thing... Lol), the plot and overall game was exactly the same, and the metagame became more complex than any of us were really wanting to deal with at that point. But I'll hold all my memories of gen1 forever. CD

Blue all the way! My best friend chose Red. Strangely, we didn't plan that. He also got Silver when I got Gold, which we also didn't plan.

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