These are the Games Fighting for the GDC 2016 Awards

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2016

These are the Games Fighting for the GDC 2016 Awards on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

GDC 2016 is coming up, and the industry will be celebrating all the gems of last year with an awards ceremony in March.

Taking place on 16th March 2016 with a stream on Twitch, there are plenty of nominations for numerous categories - like Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, Undertale, Super Mario Maker, Bloodborne, Metal Gear Solid V and more.

The full list of nominations are as follows:

Game of the Year
Fallout 4 (Bethesda Game Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED / CD Projekt)

Metal Gear Solid V (Kojima Productions / Konami)

Bloodborne (FromSoftware / Sony Computer Entertainment)

Rocket League (Psyonix)

Honorable Mentions: Her Story (Sam Barlow), Super Mario Maker (Nintendo EAD Group No. 4 / Nintendo), Undertale (Toby Fox), Splatoon (Nintendo EAD Group No. 2 / Nintendo), Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix)

Innovation Award
Her Story (Sam Barlow)

Super Mario Maker (Nintendo EAD Group No. 4 / Nintendo)

Undertale (Toby Fox)

Splatoon (Nintendo EAD Group No. 2 / Nintendo)

The Beginner's Guide (Everything Unlimited Ltd.)

Honorable Mentions: Rocket League (Psyonix), Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (Steel Crate Games) Cibele (Star Maid Games), Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix), Metal Gear Solid V (Kojima Productions / Konami)

Best Debut
Studio Wildcard (ARK: Survival Evolved)

Toby Fox (Undertale)

Moon Studios (Ori and the Blind Forest)

Moppin (Downwell)

Steel Crate Games (Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes)

Honorable Mentions: Asteroid Base (Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime), Question (The Magic Circle), Thomas Happ (Axiom Verge), Dinosaur Polo Club (Mini Metro), MidBoss (Read Only Memories)

Best Design
Rocket League (Psyonix)

Metal Gear Solid V (Kojima Productions / Konami)

Bloodborne (FromSoftware / Sony Computer Entertainment)

Fallout 4 (Bethesda Game Studios/ Bethesda Softworks)

Splatoon (Nintendo EAD Group No. 2 / Nintendo)

Honorable Mentions: Her Story (Sam Barlow), Super Mario Maker (Nintendo EAD Group No. 4 / Nintendo), Undertale (Toby Fox), The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED / CD Projekt), Ori and the Blind Forest (Moon Studios / Microsoft Studios)

Best Handheld/Mobile Game
Lara Croft: GO (Square Enix Montréal / Square Enix)

Fallout Shelter (Bethesda Game Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

Downwell (Moppin / Devolver Digital)

Her Story (Sam Barlow)

AlphaBear (Spry Fox)

Honorable Mentions: Prune (Joel McDonald), The Room Three (Fireproof Games), Subterfuge (Ron Carmel and Noel Llopis), Pac-Man 256 (Hipster Whale and 3 Sprockets / BANDAI NAMCO), Sage Solitaire (Zach Gage), SteamWorld Heist (Image and Form), You Must Build a Boat (EightyEight Games)

Best Visual Art
Ori and the Blind Forest (Moon Studios / Microsoft Studios)

The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED / CD Projekt)

Star Wars Battlefront (DICE / Electronic Arts)

Bloodborne (FromSoftware / Sony Computer Entertainment)

Splatoon (Nintendo EAD Group No. 2 / Nintendo)

Honorable Mentions: Metal Gear Solid V (Kojima Productions / Konami), Rise of the Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix), Batman: Arkham Knight (Rocksteady Studios / Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment), The Order: 1886 (Ready at Dawn / Sony Computer Entertainment), Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (The Chinese Room / Sony Computer Entertainment), Fallout 4 (Bethesda Game Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

Best Narrative
Her Story (Sam Barlow)

The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED / CD Projekt)

Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix)

Undertale (Toby Fox)

The Beginner's Guide (Everything Unlimited Ltd.)

Honorable Mentions: Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (The Chinese Room / Sony Computer Entertainment), Fallout 4 (Bethesda Game Studios / Bethesda Softworks), Until Dawn (Supermassive Games / Sony Computer Entertainment), Cibele (Star Maid Games), Soma (Frictional Games)

Best Audio
Star Wars Battlefront (DICE / Electronic Arts)

Ori and the Blind Forest (Moon Studios / Microsoft Studios)

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture (The Chinese Room / Sony Computer Entertainment)

Metal Gear Solid V (Kojima Productions / Konami)

Crypt of the NecroDancer (Brace Yourself Games)

Honorable Mentions: Fallout 4 (Bethesda Game Studios / Bethesda Softworks), The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED / CD Projekt), Life is Strange (Dontnod Entertainment / Square Enix), SOMA (Frictional Games), Bloodborne (FromSoftware / Sony Computer Entertainment), Splatoon (Nintendo EAD Group No. 2 / Nintendo)

Best Technology
Metal Gear Solid V (Kojima Productions / Konami)

The Witcher 3 (CD Projekt RED / CD Projekt)

Star Wars Battlefront (DICE / Electronic Arts)

Fallout 4 (Bethesda Game Studios / Bethesda Softworks)

Just Cause 3 (Avalanche Studios / Square Enix)

Honorable Mentions: Rise of the Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics / Square Enix), Batman: Arkham Knight (Rocksteady Studios / Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment), Splatoon (Nintendo EAD Group No. 2 / Nintendo), Super Mario Maker (Nintendo EAD Group No. 4 / Nintendo), Halo 5: Guardians (343 Industries / Microsoft Studios)

Which of these games would you vote for and why?

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