Who's Joining Pokkén Tournament Next Week?

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.01.2016


Place your bets, as a new Pokémon will be leaving it's shiny red ball behind and taking on Pokkén Tournament!

There's already a solid roster of Pokémon in the arcade fighting game, from the king of fire himself, Charizard, to a Pikachu encased in sweaty spandex, but there's more to come

The official Japanese Twitter account posted a teaser image today, teasing a new fighter for Friday 15th January. Just who'll be it be? Well, there's a seven day wait to see just who'll be battling the likes of Gengar, Blaziken and Machamp.

A clue for the fighter's  name is the Japanese hiragana character ラ, which reads as ra/la according to DualShockers.

Who do you think will be joining the Pokkén Roster next week?

Box art for Pokkén Tournament

Bandai Namco







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