Throw Balls to Catch Pokémon in the Arcades

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.01.2016 1

Throw Balls to Catch Pokémon in the Arcades on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Throwing plastic balls to catch Pokémon has become reality in a new arcade game from Bandai Namco.

The Japanese game maker maybe pitting the ever-adorable critters against each other in Pokkén Tournament, but Bandai Namco have also been putting together a rather unique arcade experience. 

The concept seems fairly simple - throwing balls at a screen in order to capture Pokémon - like a more contemporary take on the ol' basketball arcade game - before the time runs out. There'll also be help from Chespin, Fennekin, or Froakie.

Those who have braved wrist injury and completed all three stages will receive one of 24 collectible cards.

Here's a little taster of what to expect:


Would you pop a coin or two to give this Pokémon game a go?

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Looks really boring and like it would grow dull very fast, even for a prize game to be honest... <_<

Will likely be a main attraction though, because it's Pokémon! XD

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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