Movie Review | Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Lights, Camera, Action!)

By Freda Cooper 18.12.2015 5

Image for Movie Review | Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Lights, Camera, Action!)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (UK Rating: 12A)

Anybody unaware of the arrival this week of Star Wars: The Force Awakens must be on a planet far, far away. The marketing campaign seems to have gone on forever, reaching a real crescendo over the past few days, but now, at long last, it's in cinemas all over the UK, and it's time to find out if it lives up to the millions spent on marketing.
Image for Movie Review | Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Lights, Camera, Action!)
For Star Wars fans that's something of a rhetorical question. Those who have never been touched by The Force may take more convincing, but they should give it a try. After all, director J. J. Abrams, the man who re-booted Star Trek, is at the helm and now he's doing the same for Star Wars. He's clearly put a great deal of thought into his approach and has come up with one that is both sensitive to the expectations of fans and respectful of the franchise.

That means the opening credits are extremely familiar - enough to get a loud cheer from an audience of movie critics! - the catchphrases are all there and some familiar faces make a welcome return. There are Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), but also Leia (Carrie Fisher) and droids R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels). Solo and Leia inevitably look older - although he does notice that she's changed her hair - and the droids are a bit rusty around the edges. Best of all, though, and despite all the technology surrounding him, Chewie is still very obviously a man in a hairy suit!

The series has to move forward, as well as look back, though, so Abrams introduces some new characters to carry the torch into future episodes. There's the strong-willed Rey (Daisy Ridley), ex-Stormtrooper, Finn (John Boyega), who accidentally ends up joining the resistance, and pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), who can fly just about any craft going - and fly it in style. There's a new villain, as well: Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). He may be bad, but the master pulling his strings is far, far worse.

The action hardly lets up in The Force Awakens, and when it does allow the audience to take a breather, there's always more just around the corner. Some of it is truly spectacular because Star Wars now has the type of special effects it's always needed and wanted - crisp, clean and convincing.

Image for Movie Review | Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Lights, Camera, Action!)

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10
What's not to like about Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Very little, is the answer - even for newcomers to the world of Star Wars. Just sit back and enjoy a high speed ride in what is essentially an old fashioned adventure yarn set in outer space, all told with energy, humour, and a sense of fun. To use Han Solo's own words, "Chewie, we're home!"

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Building up to this, slowly but surely... Watched Star Wars IV: A New Hope yesterday and half of V: Empire Strikes Back.

V > IV from what I've seen of ESB so far. Hoping to watch the rest later tonight and then onto VI: Return of the Jedi.

I've already seen Ep.I-III when they came out, but will probably watch them again as a refresher before considering watching VII...

EDIT: Okay, I fell asleep during the final 30 minutes of The Empire Strikes Back. Not a good sign... Here's hoping Return of the Jedi grabs me more.

( Edited 20.12.2015 00:30 by Adam Riley )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I've just seen it today and have to say that I'm thoroughly disappointed. The production and soundtrack are top notch, the special effects and action sequences are delivered in a stylistic and mesmerising fashion, however the story development and plot holes are unforgivable. Even if things are lined up to be answered in further episodes there are things that just don't sit well with me at all about this movie. 

Also, Adam, if you are having trouble really getting into the original triology then go out and buy Star Wars Rebel Strike for the GameCube. It's fantastic and it might help you be a bit more interested in the movies! (People will argue that the 2nd game in series is better but the 3rd game includes the 2nd game as a bonus feature)

( Edited 20.12.2015 15:36 by Flynnie )

The games explain more? I started Return of the Jedi last night and that's FAR more gripping in terms of story content, and having seen I-III, it's really interesting to see some of the connections that I didn't really 'get' when watching them at first.

What strikes me as shocking is just how funny they are - I hear loads of people go on about how amazing the original trilogy is, but most talk about the action and story, not the hilarity of some scenes!

( Edited 23.12.2015 20:44 by Adam Riley )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I really enjoyed VII - it was a well rounded movie, but there were some flaws in how some plot points were just literally introduced at the click of a button. Some of the scenes could perhaps have been done without to flesh out some of the key plot points. 

A tonne of fan service. I do like the new actors a lot, and was better than I'd hoped. Daisy Ridley and Boyega are top notch, really good chemistry between the pair and the past cast. Not too hot on the baddie though, very wooden.

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Do you have to see the old Star Wars to be able to understand/watch this new one?

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