Star Wars: The Force Awakens (UK Rating: 12A)
Anybody unaware of the arrival this week of Star Wars: The Force Awakens must be on a planet far, far away. The marketing campaign seems to have gone on forever, reaching a real crescendo over the past few days, but now, at long last, it's in cinemas all over the UK, and it's time to find out if it lives up to the millions spent on marketing.
That means the opening credits are extremely familiar - enough to get a loud cheer from an audience of movie critics! - the catchphrases are all there and some familiar faces make a welcome return. There are Han Solo (Harrison Ford) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew), but also Leia (Carrie Fisher) and droids R2-D2 (Kenny Baker) and C-3PO (Anthony Daniels). Solo and Leia inevitably look older - although he does notice that she's changed her hair - and the droids are a bit rusty around the edges. Best of all, though, and despite all the technology surrounding him, Chewie is still very obviously a man in a hairy suit!
The action hardly lets up in The Force Awakens, and when it does allow the audience to take a breather, there's always more just around the corner. Some of it is truly spectacular because Star Wars now has the type of special effects it's always needed and wanted - crisp, clean and convincing.

Great - Silver Award