Minecraft to Build onto Wii U This Month

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.12.2015 13

Minecraft to Build onto Wii U This Month on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The world's biggest sandbox game, Minecraft, will be heading to Wii U in time for Christmas. The hit concept from Mojang allows for near endless possibilities in building, adventuring and surviving within an open world. The indie game launched back in 2001 on Windows, Mac and Linux, and has since seen numerous ports and spin-offs for multiple platforms. It's taken some time, but Nintendo players will now be able to get their paws on the game from 17th December with a Wii U release.


 The game, to be available on the eShop, will cost $29.99, supports off-TV play and comes with six of the studio's most popular add-on packs, along with a festive mash-up in time for the holiday season. The Wii U edition will also receive free core updates, in addition to collaborative packs with Nintendo to be revealed in the future. The Wii U release will include the following add-on packs:
  • Battle & Beasts Skin Pac
  • Battle & Beasts 2 Skin Pack
  • Natural Texture Pack
  • City Texture Pack
  • Fantasy Texture Pack
  • Festive Mash-up Pack
Those craving even more can buy the following at launch on the eShop:
  • Festive Skin Pack
  • The Simpsons Skin Pack
  • Doctor Who Skins Volume 1
  • Doctor Who Skins Volume 2
  • Star Wars Classic Skin Pack
  • Star Wars Rebels Skin Pack
  • Star Wars Prequel Skin Pack
  • Mass Effect Mash-up Pack
  • Skyrim Mash-up Pack
  • Plastic Texture Pack
  • Candy Texture Pack
  • Cartoon Texture Pack
  • Steampunk Texture Pack
  • Pattern Texture Pack
  • Greek Mythology Mash-up Pack
  • Halloween 2015 Mash-up Pack
Will you join the Minecraft experience on Wii U this month?

Box art for Minecraft: Wii U Edition








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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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Better late than never! Seen a lot of people complaining about this, but not sure why. Sure it's late coming, but it's happening and that's a good thing. I'm sure the gamepad will work great for building and such, as well.

I'm not into Minecraft, personally, so I won't be picking it up.


I've never played Minecraft before so I'll definitely be downloading along with the Simpsons skin pack (and maybe the Doctor Who packs).

I wonder how much the packs will reach cost.

Called it!

Gonna look into this 'Minecraft' thing, have been oddly ignorant of what it's all about until now. Smilie

Edit: Sodding hell Nintendo, get some amiibo support in there, the kids will go bananas for it!

Edit2: Haha, wow! Microsoft are publishing it in Japan! I mean, I know MS owns Minecraft, but seeing them publish a game on a Nintendo system? Unreal.

( Edited 07.12.2015 19:13 by Phoenom )

People had negative reactions about every non-PC version. Minecraft is kinda a PC gaming badge of honor, and I think a lot of people worry Minecraft will forget "where it comes from." Even though Mojang hasn't had any issue yet with giving the PC version full attention, and even though Minecraft is still best on PC (granted, this is true of almost everything), I think a lot of people resent how successful Minecraft has been, since it means they're no longer following a cult masterpiece but a mainstream success. For them, being on the Wii-U is just "proof" that Minecraft has sold out (to who or what is anyone's guess). That's my take on the negative reactions, at least.

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

Maybe I will, maybe not... I do like myself some Minecraft from time to time though. Smilie Hopefully one might be able to play with PC buddies... Otherwise I see no reason getting this over the PC version...

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Amiibo support would be nice, if for something as simple as just player skins, but more interestingly an item for the related game like mario gives you a fire flower that works in game ect.

Our member of the week

Phoenom said:
Edit2: Haha, wow! Microsoft are publishing it in Japan! I mean, I know MS owns Minecraft, but seeing them publish a game on a Nintendo system? Unreal.

Microsoft published all Rare games made for Nintendo handhelds since the Rare buyout if memory serves right. That was at least true for Viva Piñata and Banjo Pilot I think. Maybe also for Banjo-Kazooie Grunty's Revenge. The Donkey Kong Country games on GBA and DKR DS I'm not sure, I think Nintendo published them themselves.

Marzy said:
I'm sure the gamepad will work great for building and such, as well.

Having tried out a little homebrew project on the DS called DSCraft, I can definitely say that it works well with stylus based touch screen controls. Not so much on touch-based devices like smartphones though, tried the Pocket Edition on mine, didn't like it too much.

( Edited 08.12.2015 01:47 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

Phoenom said:
Edit2: Haha, wow! Microsoft are publishing it in Japan! I mean, I know MS owns Minecraft, but seeing them publish a game on a Nintendo system? Unreal.

Microsoft published all Rare games made for Nintendo handhelds since the Rare buyout if memory serves right. That was at least true for Viva Piñata and Banjo Pilot I think. Maybe also for Banjo-Kazooie Grunty's Revenge. The Donkey Kong Country games on GBA and DKR DS I'm not sure, I think Nintendo published them themselves.

Actually all of those games were published either by Nintendo (if they involved Nintendo properties) or THQ

welshwuff said:
Amiibo support would be nice, if for something as simple as just player skins, but more interestingly an item for the related game like mario gives you a fire flower that works in game ect.

Yeah, if amiibo support is included, I'd like each amiibo to unlock player skins. Having Nintendo-themed texture packs would also be pretty cool though.

I do wonder what they mean in terms of the collaborations with Nintendo, but it would make sense for it to be amiibo support.

( Edited 08.12.2015 06:39 by Mush )

Our member of the week

Sonic_13 said:
Actually all of those games were published either by Nintendo (if they involved Nintendo properties) or THQ

Ah, fair point. I thought I saw some boxart with Microsoft Games Studios on them, that's why I thought they were distributed by Microsoft but I do remember THQ being involved now that you say it.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Our member of the week

Well it's confirmed that the world size is equal to that of the PS3 and 360 versions. So no gamepad inventory management, a 10$ more expensive price point (I assume 10€/10£ more expensive too) and you get the same old ass version as on LAST gen consoles. My laptop can run minecraft with virtually boundless worlds and it takes like only 512MB of ram to do so, so it's clearly no a memory constraint problem. Could be something to do with the limitations of the internal storage itself? Like Nintendo preventing people from having save file too big because it would take up too much space on the inside storage? Dunno...

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Well it's confirmed that the world size is equal to that of the PS3 and 360 versions. So no gamepad inventory management, a 10$ more expensive price point (I assume 10€/10£ more expensive too) and you get the same old ass version as on LAST gen consoles. My laptop can run minecraft with virtually boundless worlds and it takes like only 512MB of ram to do so, so it's clearly no a memory constraint problem. Could be something to do with the limitations of the internal storage itself? Like Nintendo preventing people from having save file too big because it would take up too much space on the inside storage? Dunno...

Minecraft on PC is more reliant on a decent processor, than it is RAM. Although, that's probably something to do with Java being a CPU hog.

Are the worlds on PS4/Xbone bigger than the PS3/360 ones? I played the 360 version a ton due to Minecraft running like shit on my old laptop, didn't really have a problem with the world size. Sure it wasn't infinite, but there was enough world to go around.

Our member of the week

Mush said:
Are the worlds on PS4/Xbone bigger than the PS3/360 ones? I played the 360 version a ton due to Minecraft running like shit on my old laptop, didn't really have a problem with the world size. Sure it wasn't infinite, but there was enough world to go around.

The world on PS360 is exactly one map of 854x854 (I assume not blocks, but groups thereof?) whereas the world on PS4/XB1 is exactly 25 maps of 1024*1024 (a grid of 5 maps long and 5 maps large). So yeah, it's A LOT bigger on the current gen systems. The total surface is approx. 35 times larger.

Oh and yeah, Java is, after all, a virtual machine, so basically the PC emulates a machine that doesn't exist in order to run a game on this virtual machine. It's intensive emulation so to speak, so yes, that's why it's so CPU intensive.

I've got the money ready to buy the game on Wii U, but i'm still hesitant about it. I might want to realise something big someday only to find out I can't do it because my map is too small. I have a question : Did those that purchase the game on PS4/XB1 get a discount if they already owned the game on PS3 or 360 ? Cause I'm wondering if I invest now, and the game comes out on NX too, will I have to rebuy it full price or not?

( Edited 17.12.2015 18:36 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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