Italian Fashion Meets Mario in Collaboration

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.12.2015 1

Italian Fashion Meets Mario in Collaboration on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have partnered with an Italian fashion Label, Moschino, for a bunch of Mario-themed merch.

Known as the "Super Moschino" project, the collection incorporates Nintendo's most popular characters like Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach and Bowser, plus Mushroom Kingdom icons for a unique pairing of two very distinctive worlds.

The collection comes as part of the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros, which sees the plumber woven onto colourful bags, backpacks, bucket bags (whatever those are), clothing and more.

Super Moschino products will be available from 5th December on the official site.

Image for Italian Fashion Meets Mario in Collaboration
Image for Italian Fashion Meets Mario in Collaboration

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Erm, well the products aren't up on there, and it looks WAY too pricey for me to even consider it! Nice to know that the mainstream fashion industry is aware of gaming, I guess *shrugs*


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