The Challenge of Adding Yoshi to Super Mario Maker

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.11.2015

The Challenge of Adding Yoshi to Super Mario Maker on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Including Yoshi in Super Mario Maker was far more challenging than Nintendo expected.

The adorable, ever-grinning dinosaur has been a prime feature in the Super Mario Bros. series in many of Mario's adventure. With his ability to gobble up enemies and reach previously inaccessible places through his flutter jump, Yoshi adds a different dimension to the platforming proceedings.

Adding Yoshi to Super Mario Maker was a complicated process, though, as Yoshi had been limited to certain environments in past games.

Image for The Challenge of Adding Yoshi to Super Mario Maker

The game's director, Yosuke Oshino, noted how "it was required to think about how to apply things that you couldn't do in the original game, like whether or not Yoshi can step on a Boo and what Yoshi can eat and what he can't."

The rules of Yoshi had to be tweaked to allow him to sit within a game where players can "freely arrange things."

Do you include Yoshi in your Super Mario Maker levels?

Box art for Super Mario Maker





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