Who is Linkle and What's Her Involvement in Hyrule Warriors?

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.11.2015 4

Who is Linkle and What

Just who is Linkle and what's her involvement in Hyrule Warriors Legends?

Since the female Link character Linkle was revealed as a new character for the upcoming 3DS games, fans have been keen to conjure up a story for the hoodie-wearing lass.

Japanese magazine Famitsu has the scoop, detailing just how Linkle came to be. Initially penned as a simple proof-of-concept as a female take on Nintendo's Hylian hero, the studio decided to develop Linkle into the 3DS game due to demand from fans. 

Image for Who is Linkle and What

The game includes a storyline chapter (exclusive to the 3DS version) where we see Linkle on her way to Hyrule Castle, using an ancient compass that's been passed down generations. She's described as a "bright and free-spirited young girl," that wanders about and save those who need a little bit of help.

Using a pair of crossbows, Linkle can attack in the air or whilst on the move, dealing deadly damage through melee attacks and a heaped helping of bomb arrows.


Will you play as Linkle in Hyrule Warriors Legends?

Box art for Hyrule Warriors Legends

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The game includes a storyline chapter (exclusive to the 3DS version)

Ughhhhhh. Hyrule Warriors Ultimate for NX has to be a thing, then.

Somehow, I don't think this will be the last we'll see of Linkle, either. This might not be a canon game, but I don't see how Nintendo will be able to resist fans' urges to see her again after this game. Either they'll proceed with a Linkle-central Zelda title in the future, or feature Link and Linkle together, paving the way for her to be a Smash character.

( Edited 20.11.2015 19:26 by Azuardo )

I think she's such a cool character, I would definitely like to see Nintendo do something else with her. Like seriously, I can't get over how bad-ass she is! All those crossbow attacks she can do are so awesome, they're like something out of The Matrix.

Azuardo said:
Ughhhhhh. Hyrule Warriors Ultimate for NX has to be a thing, then.

Somehow, I don't think this will be the last we'll see of Linkle, either. This might not be a canon game, but I don't see how Nintendo will be able to resist fans' urges to see her again after this game. Either they'll proceed with a Linkle-central Zelda title in the future, or feature Link and Linkle together, paving the way for her to be a Smash character.

I really don't know how to feel about HWL. Wii U cna barely run the game, I don't imagine the 3DS doing it any favors.

That said, a future Linkle assist trophy for Smash seems pretty likely.

Anyone know if Nintendo actually owns/created the character, or does KT?

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Anyone know if Nintendo actually owns/created the character, or does KT?

Completely unknown, unless either Nintendo or Koei says anything.

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