Naka is Keen to Expand the Worlds of Ivy and Rodea

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.11.2015 1

Naka is Keen to Expand the Worlds of Ivy and Rodea on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yuji Naka is keen to expand the worlds of Ivy the Kiwi and Rodea the Sky Soldier.

The two original IPs have found their home on Nintendo systems in recent years, with Naka's studio Prope devising these original franchises.

Despite continually seeking new concepts and titles, Naka is keen to "try creating sequels if I am given the opportunity," he said in an interview this week, given that the two games have a "special part in my heart."

Rodea the Sky Soldier will be soaring into stores from 10th November in the US and 13th November in Europe.

Would you like to see Prop expand Rodea and Ivy?

Box art for Rodea the Sky Soldier








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Guest 09.11.2015#1

I'm sure if you asked most developers they'd be keen to make a sequel to one of their games. At the end of the day its down to the company footing the bill though. So i doubt we'll see a sequel to either of these.

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