Four Very Different Characters Join Disney Infinity 3.0

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.11.2015

Four Very Different Characters Join Disney Infinity 3.0 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Disney absorbing characters like the plague, there are even more faces for Disney Infinity 3.0.

With both Star Wars and Marvel under its expanding belt, there is scope to add a fair few faces from both universes into the sandbox experience. This week Disney added four additional characters to Disney Infinity 3.0: Hulkbuster, Darth Maul, Spot and Ultron.

Ultron is an advanced robot and super villain, whilst Hulkbuster defends as supercharged armour. Darth Maul weaves his double-bladed Lightsaber towards the good guys and Spot is, well, a boy who thinks like a dog. Woof, woof!

Here are just some of these characters in action:


Which other characters would you like to see in Disney Infinity 3.0?

Box art for Disney Infinity 3.0








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