Stella Glow Coming to Europe in March

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.11.2015

Stella Glow Coming to Europe in March on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Stop the Witch of Destruction from doing what she does best in Stella Glow for Nintendo 3DS.

The new RPG, to be published by NIS America, will be landing in Europe on 11th March 2016 the publisher confirmed this week. The tale follows a country boy in a small town, blissfully unaware of his impending quest to save the world. He joins the 9th Regiment to gather other witches to stop Hilda's dastardly plans, but can Alto overcome the odds and conquer magic?

NIS also shared the opening movie, which showcases the different characters and stunning overworld artwork. 


Will you join Alto in Stella Glow for Nintendo 3DS next Spring?

Box art for Stella Glow





Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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