It's Now Easier to Get eShop Games Age Rated

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.10.2015


Nintendo have now adopted the IARC ratings system to help improve the process for digital developers.

Up until now, getting projects age rated and ready for release in different regions has been problematic for some studios, often causing delays in release dates or even limiting the number of countries that a game can be launched within.

The IARC system aims to make things far more streamlined and easier for developers by reducing both cost and processing time needed to get a game or app approved for release within different regions by doing most of the legwork.

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Having been teased by Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham previously as something that was coming "very soon," it seems that the system is now live on the eShop with two other studios confirming the move.

Do you think this change would help push Nintendo towards a (mostly) region free eShop?

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