Unofficial Legend of Zelda Maker in the Works

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.10.2015 4

Unofficial Legend of Zelda Maker in the Works on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fans have been craving a Legend of Zelda game inspired by Super Mario Maker, and one designer is doing just that.

Known as The Legend of Zelda Maker, the project's early alpha build is now available to download and try out. It allows creators to use an all-familiar palette from classic top-down Legend of Zelda games and plop titles across an open landscape. Rivers, grass hedges, baddies and more can be stitched together.

Aware that Nintendo could jump with a cease-and-desist, the game's designer Justin Sink is planning to change the sprites and game name is necessary.

Back in June, the producer of Super Mario Maker, Takashi Tezuka, said that the game would be "challenge to make", given how difficult it was to develop the Mario version. 


Could a The Legend of Zelda Maker work?

Box art for Super Mario Maker





2D Platformer



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my idea!

I think a dungeon maker would be great. Could have Zelda 1, Zelda LTTP, Minish Cap and Spirit Tracks as level themes. Smilie

For a dungeon maker I think the classic pc game Chips Challenge is pretty close. (That had a editor) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It's nothing new. Zelda Classic for Windows PC has been around since, like, the days of Windows 98 (the oldest build still available on their website dates back to 1999). Some projects for it, though they follow some of the limitations of the NES Zelda were absolutely amazing !! Each new version since the first has added support for more and more complex things to couldn't have been done in the NES Zelda.

( Edited 08.11.2015 18:28 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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