The plan is to really take The Warehouse Project head-on, with a five-year residency in place, which will please WHP veterans who always preferred the more intimate setting of Store Street and want it to remain there, but despite the similarities in theme, there was something a bit different about Sankeys Warehouse that helped make the Victoria Warehouse setting not quite as unfriendly as it previously had been. Perhaps the adjusted layout helped - now with four rooms, instead of WHP's previous three - and a 'chill out' area for people to sit and watch movies (Napoleon Dynamite was on early in the night, for instance!), plus a special VIP area for those paying extra. Maybe it was the stricter limits on the overall headcount (no longer struggling to move in the main room for the headliner, unlike in the past where there were safety concerns). Whatever the case, it was a night filled with merriment and plenty of crazy dancing - in others words, just what it should be like!
The only downside was the token system put in place for drinks, which caused havoc around the one and only token stall, as well as some confusion at the bar areas because of 'half' tokens being employed for certain drink 'prices,' meaning in essence that two needed to be bought at the same time as the hard plastic certainly was not up for being split in two, almost forcing more to be purchased. Hopefully a normal 'pay at the bar' approach will be brought in for future events, or else it will prove to be a continued source of unnecessary frustration in an otherwise highly enjoyable night.
Keep an eye on the official Sankeys Warehouse website for details of upcoming events.