New Title in the Life is Strange World?

By Adam Riley 20.10.2015

New Title in the Life is Strange World? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix's booth had many games on show, such as Just Cause 3, the highly anticipated reboot, Rise of the Tomb Raider, plus Monster Hunter-wannabe, Final Fantasy Explorers. The publisher was also keen to highlight the upcoming final chapter of the episodic success story that is Life is Strange.

Life is Strange had developers on-hand to talk about the game, the episodes already seen, and what was to be expected from the final episode when it is released.

Cubed3 asked, though, if it is likely that a sequel will emerge, and while the development team was definitely interested in making something similar, and very interested in more episodic style games, it said there would be no sequel, since the story of Life is Strange has been told and whatever comes next would be something completely new. However, what was also mentioned was that it is indeed possible that a new story could be set in the same world…

With disappointment that nothing was seen of Kingdom Hearts 3 or the new Final Fantasy VII reboot, this potential titbit of information was indeed juicy and a big tease for fans of the series so far.

Would you like to see the Life is Strange universe resurrected for a new episodic story?

Box art for Life is Strange: Episode 5 - Polarized



Square Enix





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