Capcom & EA Ink Deal......Success Abound?After a major reshuffling of key staff members last week, Street Fighter creator Capcom has this week signed up to a special twelve month distribution deal with Third Party heavyweight Electronic Arts, according to UK trade publication MCV. The contract covers all PAL territories, with the exception of Australia and New Zealand, whilst Germany and the UK will have an 'open distribution model'. Whilst this will definitely mean that games such as 2005's Killer 7 for the GameCube and the forthcoming release of Viewtiful Joe 2 will be given a large push by EA, there is still a chance that smaller, niche titles will slip through the cracks and be palmed off onto other publishers within certain territories. All round this looks to be an extremely positive move for the company that has recently been going through a rough time. For further updates on this and many other stories, keep it tuned to C3! Please Post Your Comments Below.