Yo-Kai Watch Exclusive 2DS Coming to US on November 6th

By Drew Hurley 19.10.2015

Yo-Kai Watch Exclusive 2DS Coming to US on November 6th on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Great news for those awaiting news on the upcoming Western release date of Yo-Kai Watch. Nintendo have announced today a Nintendo 2DS bundle to celebrate the launch of the title.

On November 6th Nintendo will release a new exclusive Yo-Kai Watch 2DS that comes pre installed with the game in North America for a suggested retail price of just $99.99! No news yet on a European release but it should be coming soon. Stick with us here at Cubed3 to get the info as it happens!

Yo-Kai Watch features hundreds of sometimes cute, sometimes spooky and usually mischievous Yo-Kai that inhabit our world. Players must use their Yo-Kai Watch to find Yo-Kai, befriend them, and turn them into a team to battle other Yo-Kai. More than 200 Yo-Kai are hidden all around the world, and each Yo-Kai has its own unique skills and characteristics.

Will you be buying this bundle? Just the game? Not even the game? Why?

Let us know in the comments below!

Box art for Yo-kai Watch





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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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