Rumour: Could Zelda: Twilight Princess Get HD Remake Treatment?

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.10.2015 15

Rumour: Could Zelda: Twilight Princess Get HD Remake Treatment? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Could Link's quest across Hyrule to save the land from the Twilight be officially remastered in HD?

With the leap into HD resolutions with the Wii U, Nintendo had ported over the GameCube classic The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker to the system, re-igniting the 2002 cell-shaded tale with spruced up visuals.


With the Japanese game maker bringing over Wii titles to the Wii U eShop, fans had been curious whether selected games would get an additional lick of paint. So far, it seems to simply be direct ports that run on the Wii portion of the system.

However a listing spotted on Nintendo's database this week could well suggest that an HD take on Twilight Princess could be underway.

"THE LEGEND OF ZELDA Twilight Princess HD" reads the listing, with the mention of "HD" adding fuel to the fire on whether Nintendo is currently redefining the GameCube/Wii game.

Do you think Nintendo should remake the game, if so which version?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess





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Our member of the week

Both (mirror the game for a new master quest part like in OoT 3D Smilie) AND Gamepad inventory management+map display. Do it Nintendo Smilie !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Just put it on virtual console geez.

If it happens, I want the original Gamecube version (Mirror for the second playthrough) with Gamecube controller support. We already have the adapter from Smash, so I see no reason why an actual Gamecube game shouldn't support it. Wiimote/Classic Controller Pro/GamePad controls should be included too, though, I just wouldn't pick them over the Gamecube controller if given the choice. I wonder how much effort they'd put into the graphics for a proper remake, even graphics half as good looking as that tech demo would make me very happy since Twilight Princess really hasn't aged that well.

I'm not expecting much out of this leaked database entry, though. My heart's still broken over that Okamiden HD entry that was doing the rounds years ago. Smilie

If it's a remake like WWHD, there shouldn't be any reason not to include both control options/mirrored versions. If they just port the Wii version, to hell with me ever rebuying that.

options are good for gamers.

Guest 14.10.2015#6

As much as I'd love to play a HD version of this game with a GameCube controller I just don't see it happening. At the very least I think they will remake the Wii version of it and tack on a gamepad map and inventory screen or something.

Considering Nintendo's holiday line up is abysmal they may have decided to bring this one to fruition. With only Xenoblade and Mario tennis there really isn't that much else to get excited for.

Although in my opinion I think a sunshine or Galaxy or Metroid Prime HD remake might have gone down a bit better.


Guest said:
As much as I'd love to play a HD version of this game with a GameCube controller I just don't see it happening. At the very least I think they will remake the Wii version of it and tack on a gamepad map and inventory screen or something.

Considering Nintendo's holiday line up is abysmal they may have decided to bring this one to fruition. With only Xenoblade and Mario tennis there really isn't that much else to get excited for.

Although in my opinion I think a sunshine or Galaxy or Metroid Prime HD remake might have gone down a bit better.

Totally would have been down for a Prime HD. Think they missed a trick not doing Galaxy. Really thought WWHD would have been the start of a trend of a handful of remakes, just to fill in the gaps and keep the Wii U going until NX. Hell, would have been up for a Sunshine HD.

Of all the Wii games on the list, this one is the only with with HD in the title so would point to a WWHD type game which I'd be really happy to see.

I've only ever experienced TP on a HDTV so from day 1 its graphics were dated to me so I think a HD remaster/remake like with Wind Waker would be fantastic. I don't care if it's left-handed or right-handed Link as long as they copy over the controls from WWHD using the Gamepad.

I don't want to get too excited until it's confirmed but I can't help it X<

Azuardo said:
Totally would have been down for a Prime HD. Think they missed a trick not doing Galaxy. Really thought WWHD would have been the start of a trend of a handful of remakes, just to fill in the gaps and keep the Wii U going until NX. Hell, would have been up for a Sunshine HD.

This. Would seriously rebuy all of this stuff if in HD - don't own Sunshine, so that would be perfect in HD. Likewise a Galaxy 1+2 bundle would be perrrrfect. 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Regarding why they chose this over other titles:

They were supposed to have a new Zelda out this holiday. I'm thinking as soon as they realized that wasn't going to happen, they put what was probably already on the table (HD remake of TP) into full development mode to tide fans over until Zelda U actually does come out.

Seems kinda odd to pick a game that's on the Wii, but when you consider the Wii game is technically a Gamecube port, TP is pretty obviously in need of a visual overhaul. It still looks pretty decent, but being standard def and made for 2002-era hardware takes its toll.

I hope they do something about Hyrule Field. It was massive in that game... and completely void of anything to do except gallop to the next area where something is actually happening.

NNID: crackedthesky
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crackedthesky said:
I hope they do something about Hyrule Field. It was massive in that game... and completely void of anything to do except gallop to the next area where something is actually happening.

Like no load times in between subdivisions of the Hyrule Field Smilie ! It would be cool if you could ride on horse all the around the vast Hyrule Field without any load times. Quite frankly the Wii U should be able to handle seemlessly loading the whole game world as you explore it. Maybe not the dungeons, but the world itself at least, caves included.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

have an option to bypass much of the tedious opening.

lose the pointless limitations on the ruppee wallets (9999 max)

put more thought into the economy so that players have a reason to spend the money (possibly add a wandering merchant)

faster horse

faster chest opening animation

smoother and tighter wolf combat.


Knowing Nintendo it would be a straight up port, rehauled textures and interface on the GamePad. 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

RudyC3 said:

Like no load times in between subdivisions of the Hyrule Field Smilie ! It would be cool if you could ride on horse all the around the vast Hyrule Field without any load times. Quite frankly the Wii U should be able to handle seemlessly loading the whole game world as you explore it. Maybe not the dungeons, but the world itself at least, caves included.

That would be cool, but I won't hold my breath. They didn't do it for Majora's Mask, they probably won't do it for Twilight Princess.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I dunno JB, they took the time to tweak wind waker. it isnt unrealistic to suspect that they might rework TP toa degree.

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