Fury Animals Blast Away on the Wii U eShop in Wicked Monsters Blast!

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.10.2015

Fury Animals Blast Away on the Wii U eShop in Wicked Monsters Blast! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Furry beasts compete in a colourful new puzzler for Nintendo Wii U this week.

Wicked Monsters Blast! HD is a rail shooter penned by indie studio Corecell, featuring a cast of colourful folk including a bull, whale, bird and now even a unicorn! The revised game has tweaked balance settings, 1080p HD output, new storyline and more.

The aim of the game is simple - blast, blast and blast away at targets to become the most wicked out of all the competing animals. Fire away at numbered targets, rockets, bottles, balloons and much more, racking up high scores for sniper supremacy.

The first Wicked Monsters Blast! originally came out back in 2011 for the Wii, followed a year later for PlayStation 3.


Wicked Monsters Blast! HD is out on 15th October on Wii U.

Did you try out the original game on Wii/PS3?

Box art for Wicked Monsters Blast! HD








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