After three versions of Yokai-Watch 2 hit Japan last year, Level-5 have spoken about a western release during an interview at New York Comic-con. The developers are still unsure how to handle the release, according to chief operating officer, Yukari Hayakawa:
One is called Ganzo, Honke, and Shinuchi so there's actually three titles and we are still kind of, we haven't made the decision on which one to release in the U.S., whether it's all three or just one, whether it's all physical or digital.
Hayakawa was also quizzed about the possibility of Amiibo support for the Yo-Kai series - while it's still a possibility, Level-5 don't have anything to confirm yet.
After a good reception in Japan since its release back in 2013, gamers in North America will be able to battle and befriend Yo-Kai for the first time next month. A European release for the first Yo-Kai installment is expected for 2016.