Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Has Local Online Play Only

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.10.2015 4

Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Has Local Online Play Only on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Online multiplayer for The Legend Of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes will be region locked.

One of the highlights of the upcoming Zelda spin-off is the option to go at it with fellow players over the ol' internet, being able to collaborate to help save the Princess from her fashion mishap. According to a PocketGamer report, however, the new Nintendo 3DS game will only allow those in the same region to play together, online, presumably due to potential issues with latency and lag. 

As previously detailed, the game will also lack voice support, too, with only simple commands sent across to fellow Link players online.

Image for Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Has Local Online Play Only

Is this a bad move on Nintendo's part for the new Zelda experience?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes





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I might actually have to skip this zelda if that is the case, everyone i game with his from american, this sort of leaves me stranded in the UK on my own.

Its also 1 OR 3 players from what I have seen.
Unless someone can confirm a 2 player option?

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Darkflame said:
Its also 1 OR 3 players from what I have seen.
Unless someone can confirm a 2 player option?

As far as I know - that's right, 1 or 3. Smilie

This really had the potential to be something pretty neat, now I'm not sure personally. I always imagined it to be a bit like Crystal Chronicles (DS) in terms of gameplay. 

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goddammit nintendo stop this!

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