Nintendo Character Profile | Rayman

By Adam Riley 13.07.2004 1

He's an 'armless guy really…
Profile by Fraser Wilson [ frazzle :: C3 Profiler :: News Reporter ]

The French have come up with some zany and quirky ideas over the years, like Renault, French cuisine and the hour-long lunch, but not quite in the same league as Rayman.  The limbless hero has developed a certain style over time and is acquainted with some of the finest platform games in the history of videogames.  Read on to find out about this virtual anomaly…
Age: Is he even alive?  He must be a ghost surely, it is the only way to explain those independently flailing limbs…
Species: He's the one and only we're afraid, though Plok has striking similarities to Rayman.   He certainly fits in the 'freak' category, and possibly he may even qualify for the elite ranks of the 'genetic mutation' group.
Location: Usually found parading in the psychedelic, fit inducing world he calls home.  Seriously, most clubs in Ibiza look dull in comparison!
Birth: Oh, this could be controversial!  In the game, Rayman was born through a powerful being called Polukus, along with all other creations through dreams.  Obviously Polukus must have had a curry that didn't agree with him the night before!  Anyway, Rayman was destined to be a hero from the start.  However, in real life, true videogame aficionados know that Rayman's creators shamelessly stole the design idea from a small fella called Plok.  Our very own jesusraz even demands that the latter be restored to his former glory!  But let's not get sidetracked after all…we all know who has the best games, don't we?  [ Ahem, remember who's Editor here! - Raz ]
Main Features: A HUGE nose, two large eyes and rather odd, elastic, floppy ears thath he can use to fly!  Top this off with an almost jaunt complexion and a nose that would knock Mario off his perch and you have the makings of a wacky French freak.  Sorry, did we say that already?
Clothing: We have no idea where Rayman gets his kit from, but it is certainly not the local GAP store that's for sure; red cravat, a tight purple shirt with the number '0' on the front, white gloves and red sneakers.  We suspect that he gets dressed in the dark…we won't speculate over whether he has company at the same time, though…
Possibly the world's first disabled superhero, Rayman protects all his friends in his home, sometimes giving him the most bizarre missions to fulfil, such as curing his friend of a stomach bug.  His companions are almost as absurd as himself - fairies, blue frogs, green giants and his even his enemies are crazy, ranging from marauding metal pirates to hooded thugs.  However, his strong platform adventures, coupled with his outgoing personality, ensure that the mix still works.
Rayman has appeared in a few titles, including;

  • Rayman (NES, GBA)
  • Rayman 2: The Great Escape (N64)
  • Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (GC, GBA)
  • Best Appearance
    Rayman 2: The Great Escape by a fair margin. Vibrant design, challenging gameplay and an engrossing story all combined to make a pleasant platformer standing alongside great games like Banjo-Kazooie and Super Mario 64.
    Do Not Mention...
    The 'no-limbs' jokes, in other words the one in the sub-caption up there.  He will throw a punch at you (literally!) if you do…You have been warned.
    In closing...
    An underrated character, Rayman has to contend with being not the second best behind Mario, but third best!  Oh the shame!  Still, his unique, but not so original, design and attributes will see him through for a few years yet.

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