Disney Infinity 3.0 Has Splatoon-Like Mode

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.09.2015 3

Disney Infinity 3.0 Has Splatoon-Like Mode on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A new Toy Box game has been added to Disney Infinity 3.0 that bares a strong similarity to Nintendo's Splatoon.

Nintendo's Wii U shooter has had critical acclaim for its unique gameplay mechanics, where teams of four try to spray as much turf as possible with their own coloured ink to win matches. 

It seems Disney has been inspired by Splatoon with a new mini-game called "Squid Wars." Each round lasts around two minutes, with the winners crowned by those - like in Splatoon - who have painted the most scenery. The levels themselves, however, do appear to be made out of blocks/pieces that  are filled in, rather than dynamic layers of ink à la Splatoon.

Download Squid Wars now for some inky fun, and don't forget to submit your own Toy Boxes! http://t.co/2RY7EmV9Me pic.twitter.com/1p8ukpWzLp

— Disney Infinity (@DisneyInfinity) September 12, 2015

Spotted by Kotaku, here's a quick look at Squid Wars in motion:


How do you think Squid Wars compares?

Box art for Disney Infinity 3.0








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What a joke....

cod will be next!

terence (guest) 15.09.2015#3

No such thing as bad advertising. Hope this brings some IN 3 players to the Magic of SPLATOON.

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