Ace Attorney 6 Lacks Defense Attorneys

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.09.2015

Ace Attorney 6 Lacks Defense Attorneys on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

More details have surfaced for Capcom's upcoming Nintendo 3DS adventure, Ace Attorney 6.

Following the Ace Attorney 6 announcement earlier this week, translations from Japanese magazine Famitsu detail some of the overarching themes in the new game.

It all kicks off when series protagonist Phoenix Wright takes a trip to another country for a specific reason in mind, but ends up in a defense case when his monk-in-training tour guide, Bokuto Tsuani, is suddenly arrested. 

Because of the lack of defense attorneys in this particular country, defendants need to use a "certain object" in order to defend themselves against prosecutors. It's because of this bizarre approach that Wright steps in to save the day.

Interestingly, a new system that involves a "water mirror" was teased that integrates - somehow - in the trials. New tweaks will be showcased during the Tokyo Games Show later this month.

Because of some of the complaints on the difficulty level in Ace Attorney 5, the new game will allow players to disable the hinting/direct clues.

What do you think of the changes in the game?

Box art for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice








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