Meet the Returning Beasts in Monster Hunter X

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.09.2015 2

Meet the Returning Beasts in Monster Hunter X on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest issue of Japanese magazine Famitsu has shared what beasts will be lurking in Monster Hunter X.

The game, heading to Nintendo 3DS later this year, will be herding in familiar critters to slay - including the likes of Lagiacrus (Monster Hunter 3), plus Shogun Ceanataur and Blangonga (Monster Hunter 2).

A newbie, known as Raizecus, will also make the cut - a huge dragonfly creature that emits a heap of electricity - certainly one not to tamper with!

Image for Meet the Returning Beasts in Monster Hunter X

What monsters are you expecting to see in the new 3DS adventure?

Box art for Monster Hunter Generations
Also known as

Monster Hunter X









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I do hope this does not translate to underwater combat... I did NOT miss underwater combat in 4...

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Andre Eriksson said:
I do hope this does not translate to underwater combat... I did NOT miss underwater combat in 4...

I'll take underwater combat on a 3DS over the annoying Apex mechanic from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate, any day. The Frenzy mechanic was a good idea, but Apex in its current state wasn't.

I'm glad Lagiacrus is coming back, in any case. They can keep the Ivory sub-species of him, though. Smilie

( Edited 03.09.2015 11:11 by SirLink )

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