Resident Evil: 5?
The French magazine Consoles + said Capcom announced a new Resident Evil, most likely for the GameCube after they finish Resident Evil 4.
The fact that only an obscure French magazine knows about this is cause for more than just forrowed brows, but the news is quite interesting...
No more details were given about the sequel to the Survival Horror game, but the magazine also stated a new GT comming to GameCube on April.
More Soul Calibur sir?
Not content with the fact that journalists the world over are already getting RSI from putting up SC2 shots, NAMCO have gone and release yet more, enjoy!
Now this is just getting stupid now. A further 28, count 'em if you want, screens have been released of Nintendo's amazing racer. Check them out below....
Right then, I'll leave it at that. I apologise if your modem exploded trying to get all those pictures up.
[Source: Various]