Miyamoto on Nintendo Pursuing Movies

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.08.2015 10

Miyamoto on Nintendo Pursuing Movies on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's famed game designer Shigeru Miyamoto has talked about the company's steps into the world of movies.

Fans of the Japanese gaming giant and film buffs will certainly remember the company's attempt at blitzing Hollywood with the rather cheesy Super Mario Bros. movie back in 1993. Since then, Nintendo have only really tinkered with small animated shorts and projects released on the eShop, but is it now time to venture back into the choppy waters of the film industry?

In recent months, Nintendo have expressed a desire to expand beyond video games to tap into other markets with its legion of popular characters.

Speaking to Fortune at E3, Shigeru Miyamoto stated that he's always felt that "video games, being an interactive medium, and movies, being a passive medium, mean the two are quite different."

However, as the company becomes more of an entertainment one, "we're starting to think more and more about how movies can fit in with that—and we'll potentially be looking at things like movies in the future," he teased.

A rumoured Legend of Zelda Netflix series surfaced earlier this year, but was quickly put to bed by Nintendo.

Which of Nintendo's franchises could you see become successful in Hollywood?

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Imo Metroid could definitely work - would have to NOT have all these supporting characters, but really be quite an isolated, dark piece that's highly driven on Samus.

I think Star Fox could work as a CGI piece.

Zelda I feel could be a film project, but perhaps a TV/NetFlix one could work better.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I don't get the point in movies based on videogames any more.

A good example is Uncharted. The games are already like films, that's what they try to replicate already and they're superbly made. The Uncharted film has already had multiple directors attached to it, re-writes and other problems and it's clearly going to be nowhere near as good.

Videogames work well as games, because that's what they are. They are two completely different things. Whenever I watch a film based on a videogame, every time I just wish I was playing the game instead.

I do think it is possible to make a good film from a videogame, but as long as big Hollywood companies are involved, I doubt it'll happen any time soon. I much prefer a film the based around the idea of videogames or about videogames, like Indie Game The Movie or Wreck it Ralph.

There is the odd exception, too, like Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie (but that's one film I can think of).

So my answer to the poll question would be, none. I can't imagine any of them becoming successful.

( Edited 22.08.2015 11:24 by Marzy )

Our member of the week

The only GOOD game to movie adaptation that I can remember of, which really captured well the atmosphere of the game it was based on, was for me Silent Hill. I liked the movie adaptation. Then again I haven't watched ALL game to movie adaptations out there, so I can't say for sure that there aren't any others that are good. Doom was shite though.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

In principle great films can be made from anything. (see; The Lego Movie or Clue). A good writer can take anything and spin a entertaining piece from it.

However, that said, there is no reason to have movies of most games other then the brand name. If all your taking is the brand, why bother at all? I enjoyed the Mario Bros movie for what is was...a crazy chessy sci-fi flick......but it would have lost nothing if the mario branding was removed.

The only games that really demand movies are ones with great stories or characters. Mario does not have that.
Phoenix Wright, on the other hand, does - and thus became easily the best game movie ever made. (Seriously everyone WATCH IT).

Studios should really look for other games with great stories or characters, not just popular IPs.


( Edited 22.08.2015 17:54 by Darkflame )

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Darkflame said:

Phoenix Wright, on the other hand, does - and thus became easily the best game movie ever made. (Seriously everyone WATCH IT).

THIS !! I had forgotten about that one. Indeed it was good fun to watch and ridiculously close to the game haha, even perhaps a bit too much so Smilie. Wasn't there a sequel planned? Or is that out already? Haven't followed that very closely.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I feel like Fire Emblem would make for a really good teen-oriented Game of Thrones type show. Since the games feature permadeath, there's no real cannon to who lives or dies, so you don't risk deviating from the source material and thus alienating fans--you can pretty much do anything at all with it, it's all on the table. An anime would work well, too.

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Phoenix Wright, on the other hand, does - and thus became easily the best game movie ever made. (Seriously everyone WATCH IT).

Dammit, need to watch it! 

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Fire Emblem and especially The Sacred Stones. Only so that I can make a full scale riot against it if Lute dies in it... I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THE MANUS WRITERS IF THEY DO THAT!!!!!!1111111oneoneone11!!

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

RudyC3 said:

Darkflame said:

Phoenix Wright, on the other hand, does - and thus became easily the best game movie ever made. (Seriously everyone WATCH IT).

THIS !! I had forgotten about that one. Indeed it was good fun to watch and ridiculously close to the game haha, even perhaps a bit too much so Smilie. Wasn't there a sequel planned? Or is that out already? Haven't followed that very closely.

Not that I know of. but Id watch a sequel in a heartbeat! (what Id really want is a tv series though Smilie).

What is crazy is the DVD status of the movie - they made a English dub but then only released it in Germany I think.

Real idiots because its so fun and you don't need to know anything about the games really to enjoy it.
(indeed, as its so close, arguably those with no experience will enjoy it more)

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As long as we can forget that Other M happened and not take Samus's characterization from it, I'd like to see Metroid made into a movie. Might be too Alien-ish, though.

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