Pokkén Tournament Coming to Wii U in Spring

By Lex Firth 21.08.2015 1

Pokkén Tournament Coming to Wii U in Spring on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first day of the Pokémon World Championships has brought with it the announcement of a worldwide release of Japanese arcade figher Pokkén Tournament on Wii U.

The game is a traditional one-on-one fighter which pits Pokémon such as Blaziken and Suicune against one another. Standard fighter mechanics such as special moves (some of which involve Mega Evolutions) and support characters like Snivy and Emolga are also included.

Pikachu is one of the playable characters, but the trailer release today takes it one step further by revealing Pikachu Libre - the Mexican wrestler-style costume from Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire - as another fighter. It's seen performing Flying Press on an unsuspecting opponent.

Pokkén Tournament is available worldwide on Wii U from Spring 2016. Check out the trailer below:

Box art for Pokkén Tournament

Bandai Namco







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Cool! Seemed like only a matter of time.

With the arcade version having NFC support, amiibo compatibility seems likely. Wonder how it might work.

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