Star Wars Twilight of the Republic Disney Infinity 3.0 Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.08.2015

Star Wars Twilight of the Republic Disney Infinity 3.0 Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The galaxy descends into sheer chaos in a fresh look at the Star Wars Twilight of the Republic playset.

Disney Infinity 3.0 will play host to the ever-expanding Star Wars universe, with a unique tale told through the open-world adventure game. Known as Twilight of the Republic, the Playset lets players step into the boots of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his trusty Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano as the pair attempt to bring peace back to the galaxy.

Twilight of the Republic will feature an all new original story within the Star Wars Episodes I-III timeline, with heroes visiting four iconic locations to master their Lightsaber skills.


Will you don Anakin Skywalker's robes in Disney Infinity 3.0?

Box art for Disney Infinity 3.0








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