The Devil's Third Launch Trailer is Brutal

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.08.2015 2

The Devil

Nintendo UK have posted a brutal launch trailer for Devil's Third with the game's release just weeks away.

Devil's Third is the first game penned by famed developer Tomonobu Itagaki since he left Tecmo back in 2008 to form Valhalla Game Studios with other members of Team Ninja. Out in Europe on 28th August, the Wii U game is based on the Kessler syndrome theory, with satellites destroyed, leading into chaos spreading across the world.

The new trailer takes a look a the Siege mode, character creation and plenty more.

Devil's Third is out on 28th August in Europe, with a release planned for later this year across North America.


Will you step into the world of Devil's Third this month?

Box art for Devil's Third

Valhalla Game







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terence (guest) 06.08.2015#1

Looks like everything a Nintendo game should not be,but I am so looking forward to day one purchase. Very exciting and visually impressive trailer.Hope the gameplay is accessible  for someone like me who has always stayed away from this genre.

You know, I don't care what people say, this game looks like a complete blast. It's over the top, mindless fun. Sometimes that is all a game needs to be.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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