Slash Away at New Monster Hunter X Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.08.2015 3

Slash Away at New Monster Hunter X Trailers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have shared a pair of new gameplay teaser videos for Monster Hunter X.

The meaty new game, in development for Nintendo 3DS, sees the beast-hungry hunters embarking on a new adventure on the handheld, with a range of new beasts, locations and customisations to use. The latest snippet shows a challenging fight against a winged foe, plus demonstrating how the different weapons can be charged up and swung in time for a fair bit of damage.



What are your thoughts on the changes in Monster Hunter X so far?

Box art for Monster Hunter Generations
Also known as

Monster Hunter X









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Need to play to see exactly how it changes things up, but I do sincerely hope the monsters gets new tricks to balance the improved tools the hunter gets.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I feel like this is what Monster Hunter was always trying to be but never got there.  The cutscenes on all the monster hunter games are so incredible, but then you get into the gameplay(and yea its awesome) and it's never really reaches the awesomeness that is the cut scenes.  I think this is a step in the right direction.

I'm kinda burned on MH at the moment.  Sank hours into the 3 line, but can't bring myself to play my MH4U, I keep finding something else to play.  It's a good game, but I'm just not interested in playing it- perhaps I'll figure out why.  X does look interesting.

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