Horii Discusses the Concept of Dragon Quest XI

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.08.2015 1

Horii Discusses the Concept of Dragon Quest XI on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yuji Horii has discussed his role in Dragon Quest XI and the upcoming game's storyline.

Speaking to Weekly Jump, Horii expanded on the Dragon Quest XI reveal earlier this week by noting how he's "back on the scene in full force for Dragon Quest XI. I'm really shepherding it from start to finish, beginning with scenario creation."

With the studio celebrating the 30th anniversary of the ever-popular Dragon Quest franchise, there will be a heavy emphasis on the concepts of time in the game, with Dragon Quest XI offering a "sense of nostalgia" for veterans, and something fresh for the newbies.


As for the different platforms - 3DS and PS4 - Horii explained how despite being torn initially, "we thought about what style would be best for each platform, and the results are what we have now."

Finally, more projects and events were teased for the 30th anniversary.

What are your thoughts on Dragon Quest XI so far?

Box art for Dragon Quest XI

Square Enix


Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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I really like the two different styles.  DQ has always been my favorite series, it was my into into RPGs.  I am sad at how little love the series gets for translations.  

Now the question is, if it comes stateside, which do I get?  Likely both.

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