The Legend of Legacy Coming to Europe Winter 2016

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.07.2015 1

The Legend of Legacy Coming to Europe Winter 2016 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Legend of Legacy will be drifting over to Europe in Winter 2016, publisher NIS America confirmed today.

The game, which will get both a physical and digital release next Winter, features seven adventurers who arrive upon the mysterious island of Avalon with their own agendas. Join Liber, Meurs, Owen, Bianca, Garnet, Eloise, and Filmia as they team up in groups of three to achieve their goals - exporing, recovering lost memories and much more.

Image for The Legend of Legacy Coming to Europe Winter 2016

However, things start to change when the group discover a singing stone that depicts the island's long forgotten history...

The game has had a fair bit of talent involved, with the storyline penned by Masato Kato (Chrono Trigger), illustrations from SaGa artist Tomomi Kobayashi, compositions from Masashi Hamauzu (SaGa, Final Fantasy XIII) and game design from Kyoji Koizumi (SaGa series), and Masataka Matsuura (999: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors).

The Western release will feature revised adjustments based on feedback from the Japanese edition.

Will you embark on The Legend of Legacy next year?

Box art for The Legend of Legacy





Turn Based RPG



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Our member of the week

Sounds like a great addition indeed to the 3DS catalogue for the future Smilie. Maybe its swansong RPG unless the DraQue games do come out here in the end (VII & VIII)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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