It has emerged that Nintendo has invested $15 in 3D handheld graphics house Matrix Semiconductor This company was set up to create 3D engines for handheld consoles and such a hefty investment on the behalf of Nintendo would suggest that something quite major is going on. Another such case was when Nintendo heavilly invested in NEC, and this company went on to help Nintendo with many of the GameCube's inside workings.
So GC2 and GBA2 are in the pipeline? Well events would easilly suggest so. NEC have lst slip that they are developing some new amazingly high-spec chips for Nintendo and Iwata-san has said that they plan to release GC2 in 2005; so that it can be release at the same time as the PS3. So with the next GameCube coming so soon it would almost seem like an mistake on the behalf of Nintendo if they didn't release another version of the ever popular GB series. With the SP doing so much better than expected in Japan it would seem like the logical news.
At this time all details are a little sketchy and no solid details of a new GBA have been released but investing $15 into a company that produces 3D engines for handheld consoles for no particular reason does seem strange. Oh and the fact that they are developing items that the GBA can't even cope with also seems to suggest a secret project.
More as and if it happens
[Source: Matrix Semiconductors]