Octobrush, N-ZAP '89 Added to Splatoon

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.07.2015

Octobrush, N-ZAP

Guns and brushes at the ready folk, as two new weapons have been included into the ever-expanding set of turfing tools in Splatoon.

The first is the N-ZAP '89, which "was redesigned for... well, definitely not legal reasons." It comes equipped with a Sprinkler and Inkstrikes for good measure. Nintendo feels that it's "good for lone wolves and those nostalgic for the good ol' days!"

Image for Octobrush, N-ZAP
Image for Octobrush, N-ZAP

Those who enjoy a good swipe of the paintbrush can try out the new Octobrush, one that has denser bristles that fling more ink per tap of the shoulder button. It comes with the Kraken as it's special, with Squid Beakons as a sub.

Image for Octobrush, N-ZAP
Image for Octobrush, N-ZAP

Both weapons are now available to try and buy!

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Box art for Splatoon








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