Monster Hunter X Stream Incoming, New Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.07.2015 1

Monster Hunter X Stream Incoming, New Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Beast slayers needing a fix of Capcom's finest can rest easy as the publisher will be showcasing live gameplay from Monster Hunter X next week.

The game is primed to take the adventure concept even further, with a stronger focus on using the same weapon with different play-styles, known as "Hunting Style," with Capcom keen to hone in on an "attachment to the weapon" as a primary concept - according to Japanese magazine, Famitsu (translation via Siliconera).

The first is a more traditional style, with the second offering more offensive approach, the third style dabbles in mid-fair fights, with the fourth direction involving "turning a pinch into an opportunity."

Players will also get to mix and match Hunting Arts, some of which will be more relevant to certain Hunting Styles, for greater flexibility and variation. 

Capcom are also set to showcase Monster Hunter X with a livestream, available on Nioconico, on 16th July at 4AM (PT), 7AM (ET), 12PM (UK) and 1PM (CET).

What are your thoughts on the latest details on Monster Hunter X?

Box art for Monster Hunter Generations
Also known as

Monster Hunter X









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I am a little sceptical. Isn't the entire point with MH to farm gear to be able to farm better gear? :/

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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