Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

By Shanker Varma 08.07.2015 1

Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Xenoblade Chronicles X is the highly anticipated title from Monolith Soft and will be coming out in Europe and America this December. In Japan, it was released at the end of April this year. The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has published various charts outlining gamers' opinions of the huge JRPG. The poll ran from 29th May, a month after the game's launch, to 5th June with a sample size of 1,257 people.
The charts below show that the majority of the respondents spent between 101 and 200 hours doing so. If there was any doubt about the size of Xenoblade Chronicles X, it should be clear that it definitely offers value for money. Despite the game's mammoth size, 70% of people managed to clear the game so it's unlikely that boredom will set in before the final curtain.
Nearly 6 out of every 10 people felt that the difficulty was perfect. There's nothing worse than spending a lot of time with a lengthy adventure, only to find it too easy to sustain attention or so difficult that playing feels like a chore.  Thankfully, it looks like more people than not will be happy with the challenge offered.
A similar number of people met the game's branching storyline with a warm reception as 63% claimed to have liked it. Only 10% of those asked offered a clear negative opinion with 14% being indifferent to the feature. The story to establish a home in New Los Angeles and beyond sounds promising indeed.
Xenoblade Chronicles X has focused on showing an impressively large world but it would be a shame to spend over 100 hours in a barren landscape. When asked about content, 75% of players said that it was just right or better. Slightly fewer people were impressed by the variation between the lands, as only 62% were happy with the range of locations, but it still looks to be more likely than not that gamers will enjoy travelling between the different regions.
More date can be found in the charts below but it looks like Monolith Soft is on track to delvier another magnificent experience. Xenoblade Chronicles X is scheduled to be released in Europe and America this December. A precise date of 4th December 2015 has been given for America, but not Europe. 

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X

Image for Famitsu Readers Polled on Xenoblade Chronicles X


Box art for Xenoblade Chronicles X





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To me who enjoy games on the higher scale of the difficulty setting the fact that many found the difficulty "just right" is unsettling.

But, it does please me that it seems to be at least a 100+ hours long experience. No Monster Hunter numbers, but that is fair enough for a non-multiplayer game.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

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