In Fire Emblem Fates, the amiibo-driven characters will reference their time in Super Smash Bros.
The latest entry in the series, for Nintendo 3DS, is compatible with the amiibo figures - Marth, Ike, Lucina and Robin. Once scanned in the "My Castle" mode, these figures become characters in the game - where they can be challenged to a battle.
Speaking to these Fire Emblem stars yields interesting dialogue, where, for example Robin would say: "I have the strangest feeling that before coming here, I battled against many combatants… launching people, getting launched..."
Ike, complete with his Super Smash Bros. taunt, would say, "I just remembered… before coming here, I matched up against countless warriors from all over the world to hone my skills."
Lucina refers to the battleground where she "honed her skills by matching up against competitors from around the world."
Marth, the more long-term challenger, notes how his "bonds with everyone have deepened through battle."
Once defeating the amiibo in battle, they'll join the party.
Which Fire Emblem amiibo figures do you own?