Splatoon is the Wii U eShop's Highest Seller Ever

By Lex Firth 05.07.2015

Splatoon is the Wii U eShop

Splatoon is officially the Wii U eShop's all-time highest selling game in Japan.

According to the official Japanese Wii U website, Splatoon has now topped the all-time charts, beating previous high-seller Dragon Quest X along with huge first-party releases like Pokémon Rumble UMario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

Although exact eShop sales figures are not published, it is estimated that Dragon Quest X sold around 100,000 units on the eShop following a successful digital upgrade campaign for owners of the Wii version of the game, suggesting that Splatoon has passed that milestone.

Splatoon recently passed one million sales worldwide, an achievement that took Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata for surprise, admitting that expectations were "not so optimistic prior to release, for it being a non-series title."

For more Splatoon content, be sure to check out our Splatoon playthrough:

Box art for Splatoon








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