First Splatfest Concludes in Europe and North America

By Lex Firth 05.07.2015 5

First Splatfest Concludes in Europe and North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Splatoon's initial Splatfests in both Europe and North America have concluded and the results have been announced.

Splatfests are an occasional competiton between players in one region who pledge allegiance to one of two teams depending on a survey question. They then do battle over the course of 24 hours to find out which choice is truly the best.

In North America, where players were asked to choose their favourite pets out of cats and dogs, dogs were overall victorious with a score of 160 compared to cats' 140.

This was mainly due to popularity - 62% of players joined Team Dog compared to the mere 38% on Team Cat, meaning that even Team Cat's narrow victory during actual battles (counting for double the points of the popularity category) wasn't enough to beat the dogs overall.

Over in Europe, where the focus was on favourite music genres, rock fans took victory over pop fans in both categories, with 64% of the votes and 53% of the wins.

Two Splatfests have already taken place in Japan: one in June, in which rice was victorious over bread in both categories; and another on Friday, in which Akai Kitsune branded udon beat out Midori no Tanuki branded soba after receiving more votes but fewer wins.

Further Splatfests are expected to take place in the near future. Splatoon continues to be updated on a regular basis with new free content.

Box art for Splatoon








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Interesting to see branded ones in Japan!

Was in Team Rock, and there were lots of instances where it was Team Rock vs Team Rock (weird).

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Interesting to see branded ones in Japan!

Was in Team Rock, and there were lots of instances where it was Team Rock vs Team Rock (weird).

This was added to keep things moving along smoothly and the reason for the slight delay of our Splatfests, as far as I heard. Those match-ups still give everybody points for the personal ranks, but they don't count towards the total win rate. I appreciated it, because it made getting to the max rank a lot faster. With nearly two thirds being Team Rock, there were less opponents from Team Pop to begin with and it was only one region as well. The matchmaking wasn't perfect, but same-team matches really shortened waiting times, particularly during times when not a lot of players would be online. I earned my last 99 points this morning, not exactly when there'd be a lot of European players around. Smilie

I really enjoyed Splatfest, it's such a great idea and gets people coming back to the game. I did really well in all my matches, and also won a lot as a team. So happy with that! Even though Team Pop lost, I still got 18 Super Sea Snails! 

Out of all the matches I had, I never got put against my own team. So I felt the matchmaking was pretty decent!

( Edited 06.07.2015 10:45 by Marzy )

Marzy said:
I really enjoyed Splatfest, it's such a great idea and gets people coming back to the game. I did really well in all my matches, and also won a lot as a team. So happy with that! Even though Team Pop lost, I still got 18 Super Sea Snails! 

Out of all the matches I had, I never got put against my own team. So I felt the matchmaking was pretty decent!

Definitely agree that it's perfect to jump into it again for a day. If they're going to be monthly events, I think I'll almost exclusively play some then.

You got 18 Super Sea Snails with the Eternal Pop rank? That's actually quite good. I think I read somewhere that they increased the rewards the losing team gets, otherwise you should have only gotten 12 and the equivalent rank of Team Rock 24 of them (like I did). 

I'd guess that you never got put against your own team because there were plenty of Team Rock opponents around. I played at least..a fourth of my matches against my own team because of the difference in numbers.

like marzy i thought splatfest was fun. no mis-matches for me. 18 snails. team pop won most of my matches, thought for sure we had it. when matched team rock never had more than 1 eternal rock rank in their side compared to on average 2 on team pop... great fun cant wait for the next 1

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