Moffitt Responds to Metroid Prime: Federation Force Criticism

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2015 4

Moffitt Responds to Metroid Prime: Federation Force Criticism on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo's Scott Moffitt responded to criticism on the recently announced Metroid Prime: Federation Force.

Since being showcased at E3 almost a fortnight ago, the Metroid Prime spin-off multiplayer game has received a striking amount of negative feedback from series fans on whether the title should bare the "Metroid Prime" moniker.


There is even a petition, which has surpassed 20,000 signatures, asking Nintendo to cull the game completely.

Moffitt praised fans for being "the most passionate, vocal group of fans I've ever seen, and we listen carefully to their opinions" and invites opinion and feedback on Nintendo's projects. "A lot goes into the decision of which games to produce and which games not to produce."

Looking at the other games showcased this year, he hopes that players "will find other games in the 14 we've announced at this E3 that they can play in the meantime while we all wait for the game we'd like to come out in the Metroid franchise."

What are your thoughts on Metroid Prime: Federation Force?

Box art for Metroid Prime: Federation Force

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First Person Shooter



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Oh, grow a beard my fellow Metroid fans...

Can't a fella drink in peace?

I have mixed feelings on it. It does without a doubt look a little too much like every other soulless western FPS out there. But only time can tell what will happen with it later down the road, so I am not going to judge it too quickly.

But. Blastball looks GOLDEN! Smilie

( Edited 27.06.2015 08:49 by Andre Eriksson )

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Going by the gameplay it looks great. They just need to spend ages polishing it and fleshing it out. I am not sore about this announcement in the slightest.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

It's cruel to release such a spin-off during a Metroid drought. I reckon if a game like this came out between 2002 and 2010 that people wouldn't have reacted so badly because of the flurry of Metroid games at the time. I like the idea of expanding the Metroid universe but in my opinion I didn't like MP3 or Other M because they didn't feel like the other Metroid games in the series.

They should have remade Metroid II if they wanted a simple shooter. Samus could literally go on a Metroid hunt! 

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