Miyamoto: Virtual Reality Isn't Suited for Multiplayer Yet

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2015 2

Miyamoto: Virtual Reality Isn

There's been a lot of talk into Virtual Reality in gaming, but Shigeru Miyamoto questions if it's a good fit for Nintendo.

Speaking to Yahoo! during E3 last week, the creator of Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda, amongst other Nintendo franchises, discussed his opinion on Virtual Reality tech. With other companies exploring options from both a hardware and software perspective, Nintendo have been notably absent in the space since the ill-fated Virtual Boy many moons ago. 


Miyamoto isn't dismissing the technology and its potential, but he feels that the current VR solutions aren't "really a good fit for Nintendo's philosophy of trying to create entertainment that people can play together in the living room." 

With multiplayer in mind, he highlighted how Nintendo are "not feeling virtual reality is currently in a place where it's ready to be released - as a product that fits with our philosophy of fitting in the living room."

Reggie Fils-Aime also spoke about VR in a separate interview, how he feels it's not social enough.

Nintendo have declined to comment on whether the company are working with VR at the moment, behind the scenes.

Do you think Nintendo could make VR a social/multiplayer experience in the living room?

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I do like their reasons for it. It shows that there is hope that at least one company will keep doing the kind of games I and my circle of friends desire. But I dislike their stance on this. If current VR is not good enough, make your own VR system! Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

VR sure.
But they cant possibility be ignorant of AR developments altogether can they? Optically transparent displays have all sorts of multiplayer potential. Your still seeing and interacting with eachother in the real world - you merely also have virtual stuff as well.

Maybe cost, ergonomics or other factors arnt there, but AR most certainly could be a very social gaming experience. Arguably moreso then anything thats come before.

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