Celebrate Mario, Star Fox and More at Hyper Japan 2015

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.06.2015 2

Celebrate Mario, Star Fox and More at Hyper Japan 2015 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

There's plenty in store for Nintendo fans at this year's Hyper Japan Festival, taking place in London next month.

Those who head on over to London's O2 from 10th to 12th July 2015 will be able to try out a wide range of new and existing games for Nintendo 3DS - including games showcased at this year's E3: Splatoon, Super Mario Maker and Star Fox Zero on Wii U, as well as Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes on Nintendo 3DS and more.

Image for Celebrate Mario, Star Fox and More at Hyper Japan 2015

There'll also be a 30th Anniversary section dedicated to Super Mario, and a themed stand that showcases the company's most popular franchises.

Super Mario Maker will also be a core part of Nintendo's Hyper Japan experience, with a Quickfire Challenge, with nippy levels from the game. Multiplayer mayhem will be showcased in Splatoon, plus there'll also be a "How to Hunt" masterclass for aspiring beast-slayers in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.

The event will also host StreetPass gaming, exclusive Nintendo UK merchandise, a Super Smash Bros. Cosplay Competition and dedicated amiibo tournament.

Are you planning to visit Hyper Japan 2015? If so, which Super Smash Bros. character will you be?

Box art for Super Mario Maker





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Awesome. Was originally just going to go for the candy and food sections, but this the icing on the cake - or dorayaki, or whatever. 

Freedom_Dive said:
Awesome. Was originally just going to go for the candy and food sections, but this the icing on the cake - or dorayaki, or whatever. 

It's all about the Mochi!

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