Tales of Berseria First Trailer

By Az Elias 22.06.2015

Tales of Berseria First Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Bandai Namco has revealed the first trailer for the next entry in the Tales of franchise.

Tales of Berseria stars Velvet, who had her life drastically changed after an incident three years prior to the game taking place. It is set in the Midgand Sacred Kingdom, a location that features large lands and many small islands, and where the art of sailing has reached highly advanced levels. Due to the variation in the north and south of the Kingdom, harsh winters and everlasting summers aren't uncommon.

Visit the official website here.

Tales of Berseria is being developed for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.

Box art for Tales of Berseria

Bandai Namco


Bandai Namco


Real Time RPG



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