Shenmue III Announced and Funded in a Matter of Hours

By Az Elias 16.06.2015 5

Shenmue III Announced and Funded in a Matter of Hours on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The announcement of the Shenmue III Kickstarter during Sony's E3 2015 conference came out of nowhere, and it has met its $2 million goal target in a matter of hours.

For fourteen years, Shenmue fans have asked and waited, and asked and waited, for the third part of the series, and the continuation of Ryo Hazuki's journey from Japan to China to avenge his father. Now, it will become a reality, with Shenmue III coming to PlayStation 4 and PC no sooner than December 2017.

There is still work to be done, though. If the stretch goals of $4 million and upwards are met, the development team will be able to expand the game even further.

Join the cause and back this long-awaited title at the Kickstarter page.

Box art for Shenmue III

Ys Net


Koch Media


Action Adventure



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10

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Rated $score out of 10  0 (0 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Really wana review this one day- so I made a point to NOT back it. 

Proud to say I was one of the many who backed it. Given that it works out at roughly £19.00 for a PS4 game I actually think it's pretty good value

If I had the time I'd dig the Dreamcast out from under the stairs and play through the first two again (unfortunately I don't have the time)

That makes no sense to me, Al lol. You'd have to buy it to own it when it comes out anyway. Back the hell out of it!

I've given my money with pleasure. Not sure how much higher I want to go yet, so will give it some time to think.

My Dreamcast won't display properly on my current TV, but I'll definitely make sure to fix that before this one comes out. Wanted to replay them for so long, but couldn't because of the display.

Still mad to think this is actually happening.

A re-release of the second on modern platforms would be nice. Never got a chance to play it and it isn't exactly accessible these days. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Azuardo said:
That makes no sense to me, Al lol. You'd have to buy it to own it when it comes out anyway. Back the hell out of it!

I've given my money with pleasure. Not sure how much higher I want to go yet, so will give it some time to think.

My Dreamcast won't display properly on my current TV, but I'll definitely make sure to fix that before this one comes out. Wanted to replay them for so long, but couldn't because of the display.

Still mad to think this is actually happening.

makes sense to me- 
backing it suggests i have a financial backing towards its development and ergo a conflict of interest.

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