Splatoon Was Fifth Bestselling US Game in May

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.06.2015 3

Splatoon Was Fifth Bestselling US Game in May on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Splatoon has had success in May, climbing up the NPD Sales charts for North America.

Having been on the market for just three days in the US during May, after launching on the 29th, the game earned its place in the top ten best selling titles for the full month, sitting comfortably in fifth place, alongside the likes of Minecraft, Mortal Kombat X and the Witcher III. Interestingly, Splatoon was the only single-platform title amongst the top ten, with all other titles being available on at least two systems.

Also on the Nintendo front, Super Smash Bros. re-entered the top ten, in tenth place.

  • 1. The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
  • 2. Mortal Kombat X (PS4, Xbox One)
  • 3. Grand Theft Auto V (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, PC)
  • 4. Minecraft (360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4)
  • 5. Splatoon (Wii U)
  • 6. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (PS4, 360, Xbox One, PS3, PC)
  • 7. NBA 2K15 (360, PS4, Xbox One, PS3, PC)
  • 8. FIFA 15 (PS4, Xbox One, 360, PS3, Wii , 3DS, Vita)
  • 9. MLB 15: The Show (PS4, PS3)
  • 10. Super Smash Bros. (3DS, Wii U)
Which of these games did you buy last month?

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FIFA 15 was on the Wii? 

Fair play to Splatoon and American gamers. It's getting a lot of attention! I have to say I wasn't a massive fan when I played the demo last year but the reviews have been glowing!

Flynnie said:
FIFA 15 was on the Wii?

Yep, "FIFA 15"... It's actually just FIFA 12 rebranded with roster and kit updates. Dubbed "Legacy Edition," it's the same for all FIFA games since FIFA 12 on Wii, 3DS and Vita. So FIFA 15 is on Wii, but in name only.

That's actually really impressive!
I hope it encourages Nintendo to take a few more risks and introduce some more new series in the future. 

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